Similar to what I read about in all three books, …show more content…
When you treat others with respect, the ultimate sign of appreciation is when they are able to reciprocate that respect towards you. You are not always going to agree with people, people are not always going to love you, but it is essential that as a leader, people respect you. With respect comes the idea that you can empower others to help you as a leader to create your directive or vision of affecting change. A successful school leader or leader in general will know that he/she cannot accomplish every technical or adaptive challenge that is put in front of them. A true leader will know how to use the talents and interest of the people around them. As the author Harry M. Kraemer explained, “…If the key to a values-based organization is really the people, then leaders need to spend a lot more time developing the team than analyzing the numbers. After all, the numbers aren 't going to generate themselves. You need to have the right people in place in order to reach the performance targets,” (2011). It’s true, when you do not have the right team in place success will not happen. The most successful leader will be able to have wise advisors or team members around him/her that will help the leader make firm decisions about adaptive challenges as well as technical problems. That does not mean isolate others that have not reached a level in which you trust them yet; it means that you must have an open door policy. It’s important that people not lose respect for you because they feel they cannot share their opinions and advice about decisions with you. But on the other side, just because you are listening and given even your novice worker a chance to thrust upon you at time, unsolicited feedback or advice does not mean you have to take it and use it. It’s imperative that as a leader, you are always seeking advice, constantly questioning, and probing for the next big change. Because in the