The increase in demand for online writing …show more content…
Sections 107 to 122 of the 1976 Copyright Act have established limitations on the rights of the copyright owners. All the rights exercised by the copyright owners should be done within the existing limits established in the 1976 Copyright Act. In some instances, these limitations constitute specified exemptions from copyright liability. For instance, one such limitation is expressed in the doctrine of “fair use” which requires the copyright owners to exercise their rights in a fair manner that does not put those seeking permission to use the material or some other works of authorship in a disadvantaged position. The doctrine also ensures fair-play and allows the users of the rights to seek legal action to the copyright owners who are infringing the rights of users like withdrawing the rights without due consideration. In further occurrences, the restriction derives in the form of a “compulsory license” through which specific restricted practices of copyrighted online works are allowable upon compensation of the obligatory loyalties, combined with obedience to constitutional conditions. The copyright owners in this case are compelled by the state to offer licenses to the users who have complied with the provisions of the law regarding the copyrighted work (Price and Margaret, …show more content…
Copyright in each separate contribution to a periodical or other form of collective work is distinguished from the copyright in the collective work as a whole and vests initially with the author of the contribution.
Two general principles of online copyright
Mere ownership of an online piece of writing does not give the possessor the freedom of copyrighting the work. The copyright law postulates that the ownership of any material object that embodies a protected work does not, on itself, convey any rights in the copyright. Minors may also claim copyright, but may countries impose regulations in transactions and other practices involving copyrights owned by minors (Splane and Lily, 2002).
Online copyright registration
Thomas (2007) outlines the online process identifying the application for the copyright of certain types of works entails; filling an application and paying a non-refundable fee and a non-returnable copy of the work must be registered for copyright. Online registrars would send an email to the author/s acknowledging their application/s. Applications done online through electronic copyright offices (eCOs) are the most preferred in today’s world. They are used to register basic claims for literary works, performing art works such as motion pictures, sound recordings and single