The aim of reflection is, arguably, intended to ensure that a person gains a greater sense of self awareness in a number of situations. This paper builds upon that perspective by expanding upon several core research aims. The first aim comprises a need to demonstrate a critical understanding of the different theoretical perspectives on reflection. This aim then develops an informed position on the value of reflection for teaching and learning. Added to this, this paper also supports the acquisition of knowledge that is offered via a mix of reflective tools.
At the outset it is worth noting that reflection, as an active process, cannot be undertaken by ignoring a range of …show more content…
That said this outcome, in my opinion, sees the reflective process being more informative than the earlier discussed philosophical examples and hints at the subject of reflection being subject to an evolutionary process that can lead to a progressive practice. For example, the adoption of Kolb’s (1984) learning cycle offers a specific benefit to educators. The reason for this is that he advances the idea of a four staged cycle of learning that is intended to assist people in gaining an increased understanding of, for example, learning styles and, as a result, offers for an increased sense of self awareness. This is an important issue of note given that the reflective process is sufficiently flexible that it can cater for personal subjectivity, as discussed at the beginning of this paper. It is for this reason, Kolb (1984) argued, that the cycle of learning, in experiential terms, could be utilised as an essential tool for improving personal educational awareness (Kolb, 1984). Lastly, a personal awareness of unconscious incompetence models can also be used as a progressive reflective tool (Businessballs, …show more content…
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