In The Tortilla Curtain, América is attacked by a man who hits her, yells “Shut up,” shreds her clothes, and ultimately rapes her aggressively (Boyle 141). América was unable to defend herself due to his force. He not only violated her, but stole a dignity she was beginning to develop in this new, unfamiliar country. This event lead her to lose her self-worth and independence which in turn, cast fear and internal suffering. She described herself in that situation “like the eternal torment of the damned” (Boyle 142). The man who raped América had sunk her to the lowest level she could ever feel. This unfair treatment to América was the result of the man demonstrating power. For years, psychologists tried to discover the relationship between sex and power and concluded that “some sexually aggressive men use rape to retaliate against women and to feel more powerful” (Chapleau, K., and Oswald, D 75). Some men use rape, a form of unfair treatment, to make a women feel weak, defenseless, and powerless. Sex, as a result, acts as a compelling tool in asserting dominance. Therefore, sex is connected with forcefulness and dominance. During rape, weapons, verbal threats and other forces are necessary to subdue the victim. Not only do these forces portray dominance over the individual, but social media has also been used to subdue the victim. With the rise of social …show more content…
Through his parallels, it is evident that those who commit injustice do so to obtain dominance. Throughout history, dominance has been determined by the interactions people, businesses, and ideologies. Such interactions have cast division and a neglect of an ideal collective culture. Those who intrude in our nations values of collectivism are those who desire disunity and a greater advantage. The success of a nation is brought forth by a collective culture who believes in a nation working together for the benefit of many. The desire of dominance, however, has cast away this image of unity and instead, instilled a segregated society of the powerful and powerless. Boyle brings this message to light to not only bring awareness of injustice, but remind people of their responsibility in facing unjust treatment. As human beings, we are called to not let unfair treatment determine who we are. Instead, we must build a culture that treats all people with fairness, respect, and dignity. This will create a culture that carries justice on its