One prominent technology was the train. “The impact of the railways was great. Industry benefited as goods could now be transported faster and in even greater quantities than before, reducing costs and creating bigger markets. The construction of the railway network also fueled demand for coal and steel. Ordinary people saw the benefits too. They could now get around the country much quicker and for the first time holidays out of the city were a possibility” (Schoolshistory) The establishment of trains and a train system allowed for rapid movement of people and goods throughout …show more content…
During the Scientific Revolution there were great thinkers and inventors who made large strides in helping to better understand the world and ways to measure, quantify, explain, and predict events. One great thinker during the Scientific Revolution was a physicist and astronomer named Galileo Galilei. “The great Italian mathematical physicist Galileo claimed that the book of nature "is written in the language of mathematics . . . without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it." (The Assayer, 1622, in Discoveries and Opinions, p. 238) Galileo worked hard to demonstrate and establish mathematical formulas for explaining the world. One tool that Galileo invented and used in his work was the telescope. “The telescope's impact was sudden, immense, and rippled across the length and breadth of cultures, affecting scientific theory and method, of course, but also theology, philosophy, literature, and art. In particular, Galileo's depiction of a jagged, rough, and crater-pocked lunar surface threatened a whole range of entrenched cultural conventions, including the Aristotelian perfection of heavenly bodies and the pure, diaphanous quality of the Moon, which was theologically associated with the purity of the Immaculate Virgin.” (Henery) Galileo’s work in identifying the solar system and attempts to