According to Bolan, "globalization has created a modern-day reality of economic interdependence that discourages military conflict." Keohane and Nye discuss complex interdependence, stating "multiple channels connect societies" to include formal and informal, governmental and business elites, their subordinate organizations, across "interstate, transgovernmental, and transnational relations" channels. China is connected to the global economy and other issues seeking " a larger role in the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, greater voice in such forums as the G-20, ", and active participation in the Nuclear Security Summit. China is functioning as more than just a state with security interests in the global …show more content…
When dealing with "industrialized, pluralist countries, the perceived margin of safety has widened" and "force is irrelevant or unimportant as an instrument of policy." The U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was able to make climate change efforts after years of inaction after Presidents Obama and Xi made agreements to curb greenhouse gas emissions. The efforts made by the two Presidents were not based on realism, but rooted in complex interdependence. The realist approach would not provide a solution to ecological issues, as they are beyond the scope of the strength of the state, and may actually serve to weaken the state to make such