As stated previously the Wife of bath would ended up contradicting herself in order to get happy ending for her tale. Meanwhile the accountant would often be able to go out of is way to help people make important economic decisions, while going broke himself. These characters have the same level of hypocrisy and are able to draw almost exact parallels between each other. The fact that the Wife of Bath was able to portray some wives at the time goes to show how satire helped connect people from different walks of life an unite them under their grey moral …show more content…
It might be easy to assume that for the reason that knights hold a high standing within a feudal society perhaps he was the only character that was left in a respected position. Yet, we must remember that this is all satire and nothing is sacred. So we must further look into the information that is missing from the knight rather than the former. So one of the key facts that makes the knight so prestigious is that he fought religious battles, so that might be the primary reason as to why the pilgrims pay so much respect to