Imagine trying to talk to your parents but all they hear is gibberish coming from your mouth. Imagine not being able to walk in a straight line. Imagine feeling alone. Someone with autism deals with these issues every day. In the documentary Life, Animated the audience walks through Owen Suskind’s life as he struggles with autism. Owen was a normal kid, running around and playing with his brother every day; one day he became distant and started talking in garbled words. At the age of four Owen was diagnosed with autism. His parents were devastated-they thought they would never hear him talk again. Then one day, four years later, he spoke to his dad in a full complete sentence. “Dad, Walt doesn’t want to grow up …show more content…
Owen’s family realized the breakthrough and immersed Owen in every Disney film possible. Walt Disney once said, “Faith is the most important thing. If you believe in something, believe it till the end, unequivocally and without hesitation.” The Suskind family had faith that Owen would speak again. They dedicated every ounce of their energy into helping Owen learn to communicate and break free from the limitations of autism. Through animation, family interviews, and real life situations, Life, Animated effectively exhibits how Owen Suskind overcomes the struggles of autism.
The incorporation of Disney clips within Life, Animated enables viewers to understand how Owen learns to communicate. When Owen lost his ability to speak, his parents thought they would never hear him talk again. Owen loved Disney movies; his family would watch them over and over again. One day Owen and his family sat watching the Little Mermaid and Owen started to speak. His family said, “It sounds like he is saying he wants juice.” Owen began to rewind one part of the movie over and over again. Owen’s parents then realized he is trying to say he has a voice. He is saying, “He has a voice.” Owen is reciting