“Lifeguard” short story written by Barbara Scott
"The Story of a lifeguard" is a short story in which Barbara Scott, the author, presents a teenager named Chris, who is living alone in Calgary and is struggling with a number of problems. Chris, sixteen-year-old who is living without his parents, works at the Bridge Land Community Swimming Pool. During his daily lifeguard job Chris meets a child named Mike, who unintentionally annoys Chris, and causes Chris to snap. Later, Mike and his parents ends up in a car accident, losing both his mom, dad and his memories. Throughout the story, Chris and Mike both experience powerful character development, as they both become harmonious in their lives. During this book analyzes, I will explore the intensive character …show more content…
In this short story, lifeguard Chris goes through an intense character development. At the beginning of the story, Chris was very independent, reckless, and emotional. First Chris’s dad had left Chris and his mom, and later Chris’s mom and brother leave Chris and go to Vancouver for a higher earning job. Chris was living alone at a young age in Calgary. Chris had many personal problems along with that Mike was considered to be very annoying. This caused him to have the reckless and impatient attitude he had towards Mike. It was when Mike and his family got into an automobile accident heading to Saskatchewan, that Chris changed his attitude. This was a major turning point in the story as Mike had lost both his parents and Chris realized that they were both in the same position now. When Mike