Firstly, “The Sneak” is an oil on canvas painting by Gale Godwin. The painting depicts what appears to be a cave with pillars standing about, and stalactites and stalagmites protruding from the ceiling and floor. The stalactites and stalagmites seem grooved, as if they were finely designed. On the top left corner of the canvas, there …show more content…
Rose Wertz. Upon first glance, the sculpture can be rather startling. The viewer is met with a small bed surrounded by various objects. On the bed lie a disembodied head, torso, two wrists, and two feet. Around the bed are glass structures that extend to a sharp point at the top. In addition to these glass structures, there are also objects like needles, pill containers, cigarette packets, and various food boxes.
The walls surrounding the sculpture also have words in black repeatedly written on them saying, “I’M OKAY.” Additionally, written in off white and obscured by the white walls, are sentences such as “You’re Worthless.” And, “No one loves you.” I believe that with this assortment of disturbing material, the sculpture is meant to represent an individual in emotional distress. The items insinuate that the individual lying on the bed is enduring a situation where they are attempting to convince themselves that everything is alright, and that they are okay. Whatever tribulation the individual is suffering, they are attempting to “free” themselves from it by using drugs, eating, and smoking. All of this material has the viewer believing that the individual in the sculpture is broken. This can be supported by the disembodied head, torso, hands, and feet. However, the term “broken” has two meanings; one being the literal broken body, and the other representing the mental …show more content…
“I’M (NOT) OKAY” and “The Sneak” possess completely different subjects. For instance, “The Sneak” illustrates an emotional serenity, physical calmness and beauty of nature; while “I’M (NOT) OKAY” depicts utter emotional, physical, and mental turmoil. Additionally, to expound on the emotion of the pieces, “I’M (NOT) OKAY” projects a much more negative and disturbing element, while “The Sneak” illustrates soothing beauty and development. Even though both artworks convey a grueling process, one expounds upon that process, and the other demonstrates the end result. “The Sneak” is even more visually appealing than the sculpture, “I’M (NOT) OKAY.” In brief, these two works of art contrast each other in various ways, however the similarities are capable of conveying a much more powerful