According to Vrontis & Thrassou (2013), “ethical conduct should be utilized by businesses and they should develop a code of conduct or credo by which all employees in the business will be expected to operate.” According to Mustafa (2013), “creating, distributing and continually improving a company’s code of ethics is one usual step managers can take to establish an ethical workplace.”The Siemon Company’s Business Code of Ethics
Employees are expected to use good judgment, adhere to high ethical standards and avoid situations that create an actual or perceived conflict between their personal interests and those of the organization. The company requires that the transactions employees participate in are ethical and within the law, both in letter and in spirit. There is no way to develop a comprehensive, detailed set of rules to cover every business situation. This policy outlines some basic guidelines for ethical behavior at The company.
Whenever employees are in doubt, they should consult with their manager or with their Human Resources …show more content…
An employee shall not attend an event as a representative of the Company which violates this rule. Alcohol consumption must be kept within the legal limit and must not interfere with an attendee’s ability to perform normal work activities. Employees cannot act or appear to be acting improperly in their relations with suppliers or customers or potential suppliers or customers. Gifts should never be solicited and may only be accepted if they have a nominal retail value. Any other gifts received must be reported to your Department Manager and turned over to Human Resources for donation to charity or other company sponsored event. Employees are not to accept any form of remuneration or non-business related entertainment, nor may employees sell to third parties any information, products or materials acquired from the organization. Employees may engage in outside business activities, provided such activities do not adversely affect the Company or the employee’s job performance and the employee does not work for a competitor, vendor or