The Sense Of Morality In Huck Finn's The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

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In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn not only shows Huckleberry's physical journey down the river with Jim, but his moral journey as he embarks on this quest trying to not only run away from his old life but to find a new life physically and morally. Huckleberry’s journey from his father's cabin all the way to Phelps farm directly correlates to how his mindset changes throughout the novel. He not only realizes what pure evil is, but also what pure love is. Huckleberry had a different sense of morality at the beginning of the novel than the end of the novel. Huckleberry Finn starts his journey under the care of Widow Douglass in hopes to civilize him. Not only does she try to make him behave well, Widow Douglass force open him her religion and making him go to school. Huck would rather cause trouble and start a pack with Tom Sawyer and “the gang”. Huck says, After supper she got out her book and learned me about Moses and the Bulrushers, and I was in a sweat to find out all about him; but by and by she let it out that Moses had been dead a considerable long time; so then I didn’t …show more content…
Huckleberry’s moral grows while his friendship with Jim grows. Huckleberry not only lies to help himself, he also lies to help Jim. Huck lies to some men down the river saying that Jim is his “Pap” and has smallpox, which he does not. The men say, “Boy, that’s a lie, said the man, “What is the matter with your pap? Answer up square now, and it’ll be the better for you” (Twain 93). Huck replies with, “I will, sir, I will, honest—but don’t leave us, please. It’s the—the—Gentlemen, if you’ll only pull ahead, and let me heave you the headline, you won’t have to come a-near the raft—please do.” (Twain 93). Huckleberry said this lie to the men in hopes that they would believe that Jim has smallpox and will not come to see that his is actually a runaway

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