There are 50 states in the Union, varying in size and population, and each state has different views. In the Senate, every state has two elected officials, called senators, and each senator has one vote. This makes it equitable for each and every state. In the House of Representatives, each state has a different amount of votes depending on the population. The more populated a state is, the more representation they have, which is fair, in light of the fact that the representatives of a state can represent a group of people with a certain opinion. With this in mind, there is no state that has more power proportionally than the other, thus no state has absolute power. …show more content…
Federalism is an idea that power is to be divided between the federal, or central, government and the state government. Both governments check each other so that they “control each other, at the same time that each will be controlled by itself”(James Madison, Federalist Paper #51, 1788). In this situation, the state can govern itself while keeping the federal government in line, and vice