Going into the light means that one has gained knowledge and broken free from the chains of ignorance. But in order to go into the light, one must first break free from the chains of limitations, journey through the darkness, and then endure the light before finally facing the light. For example, when the prisoner who …show more content…
Such as, when the escaped prisoner, who finally gets used to the light. suddenly remembers his old home and fellow prisoners and goes back to tell them about the world he saw and that the realities they saw were only shadows. This prisoner goes back and tries to tell them the truth, but fails to do so because he cannot see the shadows in the cave as clear as before and so the other prisoners will think that “he went and down he came without his eyes” and it would be better to “not even to think of ascending” (Plato). Coming out of the light and rejecting the truth lets one stay in an ignorant world, but compared to the one who goes into the light, the one who comes out of the light and into the darkness is not