Although there was a significant amount of economic expansion during the 1950’s, the idea of marriage played a strong role in the allocation of funds to prevent women from being completely independent. Politicians, for instance, rewrote the “tax code to favor male breadwinner families over dual earner families...[and] to discourage wives from working” (49). While the perception was that the 1950’s offered a great variety of opportunities, problems arose with families as “battering, alcoholism, and incest were swept under the rug” (50). During this time, there was also a wide spread of discrimination against minorities including but not limited to: gay/lesbian individuals, religious minorities, and the handicapped. As a consequence, economic expansion provided a pathway for individuals to move up the ladder; however it didn’t address the tensions between families as those social problems were ignored in favor of strengthening the status
Although there was a significant amount of economic expansion during the 1950’s, the idea of marriage played a strong role in the allocation of funds to prevent women from being completely independent. Politicians, for instance, rewrote the “tax code to favor male breadwinner families over dual earner families...[and] to discourage wives from working” (49). While the perception was that the 1950’s offered a great variety of opportunities, problems arose with families as “battering, alcoholism, and incest were swept under the rug” (50). During this time, there was also a wide spread of discrimination against minorities including but not limited to: gay/lesbian individuals, religious minorities, and the handicapped. As a consequence, economic expansion provided a pathway for individuals to move up the ladder; however it didn’t address the tensions between families as those social problems were ignored in favor of strengthening the status