Knowing how many preventable deaths could be stopped should be reason enough to stop it altogether. "Smoking is a major risk factor for many cancers and for the respiratory and cardiovascular disease." (Statistics NZ 2014) the facts/statistics for the age of smoking is developing younger though the legal age to purchase cigarettes is 18 years there is no legal age to smoke cigarettes a lot of children follow in the parents footsteps and copy what they do which should be of concern as their children are at risk of cancers, emphysema, and other diseases if there were to be a ban it would not be too late for the effects to subside and the damage to be reversed as there would be time for their bodies to heal from the damage and toxins caused by smoking. The government is hoping for a smoke-free 2025 which will reduce the burden of death, their plans so far have slowly decreased the number of …show more content…
Furthermore, psychotic patients were 3 times more likely to take up smoking also those who smoke every day were likely to become psychotic one year before those who do not smoke. "In view of the clear benefits of smoking cessation programs in this population, every effort should be made to implement change in smoking habits in this group of patients." (PAA 2015) Smoking has also been linked to depression though the primary cause is not certain; studies have shown that some people who are depressed will use tobacco as a relief another reason that people use tobacco as a relief from stress as well, but it has been concluded that smoking most probably will increase the risk of depression rather than those are depressed and take up smoking (Martin Johnston 2010) the complete ban of tobacco would help our general health our mental health and the quality of our lives enormously this positive change would help to make our society much healthier and a lot