In a way I kind of figured that not every single German person was collaborating with the Nazi party, but I used to think that if a person lived in the country of Germany during this time, they supported the Nazi party. Hearing about Haffner’s story really opened my eyes. A lot of the German people went a long with what the Nazi party was doing, in fear that they might get killed or punished for not following in their footsteps. An example during the story is when Haffner is talking about his time in the camp. He says in the book that he would find himself just simply going along with most of the things that they did, such as shouting and saluting the flags. He did this mostly because of the fear of embarrassment or the fear of physical
In a way I kind of figured that not every single German person was collaborating with the Nazi party, but I used to think that if a person lived in the country of Germany during this time, they supported the Nazi party. Hearing about Haffner’s story really opened my eyes. A lot of the German people went a long with what the Nazi party was doing, in fear that they might get killed or punished for not following in their footsteps. An example during the story is when Haffner is talking about his time in the camp. He says in the book that he would find himself just simply going along with most of the things that they did, such as shouting and saluting the flags. He did this mostly because of the fear of embarrassment or the fear of physical