This paper will delve into and critically analyze Thomson’s perspective of privacy rights as being unpersuasive because it is diluted, incoherent, and subjective. To achieve this goal, the paper is organized into two main sections. The first section consists of a summary on the arguments Judith Thomson makes to aid her in proving her conception of privacy and the second section this conceptual paper will examine and evaluate Thomson’s paper. Judith Thomson states in her work that there is little consensus as to what privacy rights entail. She claims in her paper that this may be due to the fact that privacy issues do not have distinctive characteristics which separate them from other right and this makes it difficult to form boundaries as to where other rights end and where privacy rights begin. This explains Thomson’s perspective on privacy which maintains that most of the elements in privacy rights are based on other rights and why she regards privacy issues as an extension of those rights. Seeing as Thomson believes privacy rights to be contingent on various other rights, she reasons that privacy rights can be better understood as an infringement …show more content…
Through this assessment it will be apparent that the arguments Thomson utilizes are not convincing. To accomplish this, the paper will delve into various aspects that show how her paper dilutes and simplifies complex concepts in order to justify her perspective of privacy rights. The critical analysis will also depict how there are various factors involved in her work which make the overall paper incoherent and hard to understand. To finish, this section will conclude by inspecting the ways in which Judith Thomson is biased and this is due to the ways in which she intentionally uses specific examples that will justify her notion of privacy and pays no consideration to the other aspects that may play a