India, a collaboration of 29 states and 7 union territories and is known for its great unity in diversity. But that unity bears certain loop holes in maintaining the same in reality. Each state in India has a uniqueness of its own whether it is in culture, geographic pattern, community settlements, economic or natural resources. There is indeed a wide disparity in development which makes rich more rich & poor becomes poorer. As such, people living in rural part (poor regions) of India often transit between places either for a social or an economic cause. Migration between states is an outcome of social, economic and cultural diversity in India. Migration is a “process of movement of an individual from his place of birth to a new place of residence”- S.K Das [2].
The UNDP Human Development Report of 2009 states that there are four times as many internal migrants in the world as there are international migrants (UNDP 2009, p.22)
For this paper Inter- State Migrant(ISM) laborers have been defined as „ ‘those people who belong to Lower Income Group and move from their state of origin to another state, within the …show more content…
The increasing urbanization trends in the past show that there is larger migration from rural to urban parts of India. Various push & pull factors are the reason for rural to urban migration of these ISM laborers, which arise due to regional disparities among the states in India. The major push factors for migration in villages are low daily wages, lack of job opportunities, water scarcity, family problems, migration of spouses etc. While the pull factors in cities or urban areas are high wages, immense job opportunities, access to basic amenities & water, comfort & convenience, high quality of