They often cite same sex marriages as an encroachment on their religious convictions of what a ‘normal’ family is supposed to look like. What they fail to see, however, is that their values and opinions about same sex marriage should never infringe upon what is an already well- established human right that applies to all people. They must be cognizant to the notion that value opposition does not warrant the refusal of one’s freedom. To withhold one from exercising the right to marry is to violate the most basic of liberties. Further, research tells us time and time again that the best environment to raise a child in is a two-parent household filled with love. The American Psychological Association, amongst others, has proved that homosexual couples are more than capable of providing the love and guidance that a child
They often cite same sex marriages as an encroachment on their religious convictions of what a ‘normal’ family is supposed to look like. What they fail to see, however, is that their values and opinions about same sex marriage should never infringe upon what is an already well- established human right that applies to all people. They must be cognizant to the notion that value opposition does not warrant the refusal of one’s freedom. To withhold one from exercising the right to marry is to violate the most basic of liberties. Further, research tells us time and time again that the best environment to raise a child in is a two-parent household filled with love. The American Psychological Association, amongst others, has proved that homosexual couples are more than capable of providing the love and guidance that a child