Therefore, the rate of unemployment could potentially rise. When people think of raising minimum wage they think “more money to spend on goods and services” which is a positive effect for business profit and the country’s GDP, additionally boosts young workers’ morale and their living standards. But, adding more dollars to low-wage workers’ pockets can substantially hurt small business owners who are also barely “getting by”, firms, and the middle-class Americans (Williams).
Is the positive effect enough to setback and balance the whole workforce? No. While, gaining “more money” can temporarily boosts one’s self esteem and it can either reduce their desire for a higher career advancement or lose interest in seeking a college education. In the long term effect, it could lead to a high population of unskilled workers with a low population of skilled labor workers and college graduates. Another negative option a business can reduce worker benefits such as “paid vacations, reimbursed parking, or even gym memberships”