Shiha Dalmia
Shiha Dalmia
Fundamental rights are granted through the Constitution of the United States, and are a part of our liberty and freedom. Also, The Ninth Amendment reads, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. In other words the right to bear arms should not be taken away from anyone. Opponents of gun control consider the right to bear arms in some sense a fundamental right, and having those rights taken away is unconstitutional. Although the Fourth Amendment protects the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, it doesn’t protect against felons possessing a firearm.…
Lately, it seems that every time you turn on the television, there is an incidence of gun violence in the news. School shootings, domestic violences, and other forms of firearm brutality make up most of the content displayed in the media, calling for a possible increase in gun control in the United States. This controversial subject has become a common topic of debate all over the country: should civilian-use of violent firearms be limited or prohibited, or should the decision to possess these guns be up to the individual person? There are many arguments supporting and opposing the government 's right to restrict the rights that the Constitution imposes. Some argue that taking weapons away from the people is a violation of the Second Amendment, while others argue that guns have changed too much over time for the allowances of the…
Perhaps one of the most debated topics in the United States is the issue of gun control. Heated debates arguing both for and against stricter gun control policies have raged for decades and have been hot button issues for many politicians during campaign speeches. Supporters of strict gun control laws believe this is the best way to protect citizens; however this logic fails to recognize a crucial point. Enacting and enforcing strict gun laws restricts access to guns only for law abiding citizens who will follow the legal process of obtaining a gun. Gun laws do very little to reduce the amount of illegal firearms nor will it reduce the amount of crime that takes place with a firearm.…
The second amendment states that Congress cannot stop individuals from having and carrying weapons. This amendment was created so that the federal government could not disarm the state militias and replace them with a federal army and how the state militias would keep the federal army in check. The amendment was ratified on December 15th, 1971 along with the other nine amendments, forming the Bill of Rights. It would make me responsible citizen for supporting gun control as they are dangerous. Many argue that guns should be banned altogether and not just semi-automatic ones.…
In Pensacola, Florida a 18-year old killed a 75-year old lady with a stolen gun. Yesterday an 19-year old was legally able to obtain a AR-15. He killed 17 people and injured others in a school shooting. More than 23,000 stolen firearms have been recovered by police between 2010-2016 (FRESKOS, BRIAN.…
In recent times, the controversial debate on gun control has been growing exponentially. Many people questioned how should firearms be obtained, and who can get firearms. On one side of the argument, people are fighting to restrict guns with the belief that it will reduce the number of shootings and crimes. While on the other side, people are fighting to regulate guns with the belief that the right to bear arms will reduce shootings and crimes. Banning guns will just take guns from the hands of good people not from criminals.…
The Gun Control Act of 1968 prohibited the sale of guns to several types of individuals consisting of minors, people with criminal records, disabled, illegal aliens, dishonorably discharged military personnel and others. In 1993 the Act was changed by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. This Act said that background checks for all unlicensed carriers had to be done before they could purchase any firearms from a licensed dealer. However, there has been discussion that there is a “gun show loophole” in the Firearms Owners Protection Act of 1986 which allows all people, including convicted felons, the ability to purchase guns without a background check. While many people have decidedly formed opinions on gun control, the debate is complicated…
The tragedies of mass shootings have created a polarizing problem in the United States. Both sides of the issue are vehement in their position, whether they are for or against gun control. Despite what side of the issue someone is on, the problem of gun violence needs to addressed. Every day in the United States people are shot and killed by fire arms; sometimes out of anger, accident, or suicide. In the United States guns are a common culture acceptance, however not all countries share our view.…
Gun control has become a major political topic especially concerning the issues of Columbine(1999), Sandy Hook(2012), and the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado(2012). As shown by an article published by CNN News called 25 Deadliest Mass Shootings in U.S. History Fast just these three killings 52 people were killed and each of these incidents is in the top 25 deadliest in U.S. history. Political parties and their representatives use their positions on these issues to sway voter’s decisions. These representatives make people feel vulnerable in the way that they should either fear their life and purchase a gun for protection or fear for their life and ban guns from everybody for protection. In reality most guns used in crimes are illegally purchased.…
Anti-gun advocates say that guns kill people and the solution to prevent our children from dying is to remove guns from the American households. If this mentality is true, then it stands to reason that it can be applied to other situations that take innocent lives. If you disagree with this thought then you are contradicting yourself. So let’s look at what else needs to be removed from society The CDC statistical report for 2013 table 10 ( has the following information about total deaths in the US: Caused by firearms: (includes accidental, homicide, and undetermined intent - does not include suicide – a whole other topic): 11,994.…
Gun control is a topic that divides the opinions of the United States citizens and creates endless discussions that until now has not reached a conclusion. The United States has faced many mass shootings during the last years making the supporters of gun control want a reform even more. Guns are responsible for over thirty-three thousand deaths in the United States every year. The United States leads the world with more gun-related homicides and suicides than any other country, according to a 2016 study conducted by the American Journal of Medicine. (“Gun Control”).…
Did you know that 4,350 people in the U.S. since January 1, 2015 until now have been killed by guns, and gun related incidents (“Lies”)? Many people in the U.S. say that guns kill people; however, they are completely wrong because guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Those people keep getting a hold of guns still today. All of the background checks are not working. The wrong people are getting a hold of guns to easily these days.…
Firearms is one of the most sensitive and controversial topic, from assassinations to mass shootings across the country firearms is a topic everybody talks about. Guns play a role to everyone’s life, whether it’s owning a gun or simply have a conversation about it. With firearms being a topic that is personal and delicate, it’s no surprise the arguments that come with that topic, but there’s two sides to every argument. One side are the anti-gun, who believe gun control is needed and the right that not everyone can purchase a gun. The other side of the argument are the pro-gun, those who believe we should uphold our second amendment, who believe anyone have the right to own a gun.…
In recent years there has been an ongoing debate on whether or not, the United States should enforce stricter gun laws. Due to increase gun violence over the years the argument has become, whether or not states should have stricter gun laws. Throughout politics it is a well debated topics, with people defending each side for various reasons. Throughout these arguments although, there have been valid points on each side, stricter gun laws would be better for the nation. There are several factors in why stricter gun laws are better, one being a point that President Obama made, and back in 2015.…
In recent years, a lot of debate had been going on about the laws pertaining to firearms. Unfortunately, with all of the mass shootings and killings being reported by the media, guns are given a bad reputation. Sadly, many people believe that they should be illegal because they are dangerous and can kill people, but what these people don’t realize is making them illegal will do a lot more harm than good. Guns have created a balance in society and if we were to take them away it could cause a lot of chaos which would result in more crime and more casualties. People deserve the right to bear arms because with proper training one could possibly save his/her life and also protect others.…