The Pros And Cons Of Designer Babies

Improved Essays
Designer Babies If you were to hear the term “Designer Baby,” what would you think of? In this paper I’ll be going over; what a designer baby is, why people desire this technology, what are the advantages, and disadvantages of such technology, and finally what are the some moral issues with this topic. To begin what is a Designer Baby? According to the Oxford Living Dictionary a designer baby is, “a baby whose genetic makeup has been selected in order to eradicate a particular defect, or to ensure that a particular gene is present.” In other words this means that certain traits are selected for the baby. Then their implanted back into the embryo to create the “perfect child.” This technology may seem vary Sci Fi like, but in fact we have the capabilities of doing these types of operations. …show more content…
If you were to ask almost any parent if they wanted what’s best for their children, most would reply that they want what’s best for their children. Designer baby enthusiasts view Designer Babies as a way of giving their children an edge over other children. In the “MIT Technology Review” a postdoctoral scientist named Luhan Yang stated “That’s the promise. The fear is that germ-line engineering is a path toward a dystopia of super people and designer babies for those who can afford it. Want a child with blue eyes, and blond hair? Why not design a highly intelligent group of people who could be tomorrow’s leaders, and scientists?” Now you can pick the desired traits of your child. If you’d like them to be hyperly athletic, or intelligent you can select those

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