The Adventures of Hoyt’s Writing
There are many problems that people face. People face problems everyday, they are in fact inevitable. But to every problem I believe there to be a solution. I feel very strongly that whatever life throws at you, there is always someway to get around, under, or over it. Every problem that I’ve faced I’ve waded into it head first. I’ve never been a guy to ignore the issue at hand. I always try to stand up to the situation and find a way to solve the problem or to atleast make it a little better. Luckily we’re not here to talk about my problems. We’re here to try and possibly find a solution to the problem in the Prodigal Son. I think that the Prodigal Son is a good example of a problem …show more content…
I think that this in itself is the central problem in the story. If the father would not have done this, there is a much better chance that the son does not get into the trouble that he got into. I really question why the father would just give his sons such a handout. That doesn’t teach them anything about work ethic or how hard it is to obtain wealth like that. They wouldn’t respect where the money came from and spend it freely and without hesitation because it wasn’t theirs. I’m not saying that handouts are bad, but I think that you should educate your children to work for something so they respect how the money was made and where it came from. So they know that a handout is a very generous thing that should not be taken …show more content…
I guess I can see both sides to this argument. I can understand why the father would be happy that his son has come back home to him, but I also can understand why the eldest son would be mad at his dad. I think that the father could've handled the situation much better when his youngest son returned to him. I understand that he would be happy, because he still loves his son. I just think that he should’ve taught him a lesson and not let him get off scot free with what he did. That also would have put him in a better spot with his eldest son, who he truly deserves the money out of the