Characteristics Of Markiplier

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The Power and Privilege of Markiplier
Mark Edward Fischbach, commonly known by his online pseudonym Markiplier. He governs a channel titled his pseudonym on YouTube. YouTube is a video hosting site in which people can upload videos for the public to access and see. His popularity comes from videos of himself being recorded while playing video games that he posts on YouTube. Currently, as I’m writing this, he has over 15 Million active subscribers. He is currently the 27th leading YouTube Channel, and is quite popular on many, many social outlets.
Despite all these feats and descriptions, Mark is born into the same Caucasian Male definition of Privilege and Power as I and 30 Million American Men. We, Markiplier and I, both relate in this fact
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Peggy McIntosh says in her essay titled White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, “…I realized I had been taught about racism as something that puts others at a disadvantage, but had been taught not to see one of its collar aspects, White privilege, which puts me at an advantage.” I found this to be true from my personal experience, as I had an unsaid advantage compared to my peer doing the exact same event. I had to upload a class project to YouTube, as it was an easy way for anyone of my peers or outside people to access the video from the class’s science fair. Physically, me and my peers were visibly present in the videos we recorded, as it displayed us speaking about our project and what we did. I was enthusiastic as I wanted to try to use this video to get semi-known in the public, and when I started to upload videos for others to see I did so unprofessionally. My videos didn’t have any glamour or special attributes that made it appealing. I addressed this in a video where I openly stated that I’ll do better in video quality in the future. Many comments I did get all revolved around stating that it’s alright for what the video was because I was just starting. However, a friend of mine, who had African-American heritage, did the same thing I did, as the video was of the …show more content…
Therefore, in the regards to Markiplier and myself, we both share this unspoken Caucasian Male Privilege and Power of support from society. However, we both naturally don’t see it in that way defining ourselves, but regardless of celebrity traits, occupation, or income that separates us, it all goes back to the basic, unchangeable traits we both were born in to. It’s something that we cannot change about ourselves, but what we can change the way our cultures can change its perspective on the existence of Privilege and Power and how it affects our daily

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