Due to the women’s opposition of treatment, many women demanded equality in the armed struggle, as they believed they were adequately equipped to participate in the revolution. While conjointly, working towards the overthrowing of Batista in the government Fidel Castro and Che Guevara adamantly proposed that women should be able to fight in the revolution as they had the discipline, and characteristics to fulfill a sufficient role. Che Guevara wanted women to participate in the revolution because of the outdated attitudes Cuba harbored women, race, individualism, and manual labor. According to Joseph Hart, author of 2010 novel Che The Life, Death, and Aftermath of a Revolutionary , Guevara urged all individuals to view each other as equals and take on the values of what he termed "el Hombre Nuevo" (the New Man). The new man would ultimately be selfless, hardworking, gender-blind, incorruptible, and
Due to the women’s opposition of treatment, many women demanded equality in the armed struggle, as they believed they were adequately equipped to participate in the revolution. While conjointly, working towards the overthrowing of Batista in the government Fidel Castro and Che Guevara adamantly proposed that women should be able to fight in the revolution as they had the discipline, and characteristics to fulfill a sufficient role. Che Guevara wanted women to participate in the revolution because of the outdated attitudes Cuba harbored women, race, individualism, and manual labor. According to Joseph Hart, author of 2010 novel Che The Life, Death, and Aftermath of a Revolutionary , Guevara urged all individuals to view each other as equals and take on the values of what he termed "el Hombre Nuevo" (the New Man). The new man would ultimately be selfless, hardworking, gender-blind, incorruptible, and