Polarization can be characterized by separating a large group of people into two smaller groups with different ideals. Trump’s in-group is primarily made of those who do not fit in one of the many Trump’s out-groups. Some of these out-groups include ISIS, politicians, illegal immigrants, and minorities to name a few (Trump PRESIDENTIAL ANNOUNCEMENT). By using the slogan “make America great again” Donald Trump is able to have a starting point for the demagogue’s argument. The tagline embroidered on his hats creates a sense of identity for the group- a group made of great, American people. By specifically using a past tense verb it shows that Trump no longer believes that America is great or in the American Dream. To Trump supporters and his intended audience the ‘dream’ consists of hardworking American people within the reality of believing that America is the greatest country in the world. Again, all of this is within one slogan before diving into the analysis of his speeches. While others who hold views in contrast to the demagogues’ are not included in the forms of propaganda used. On the occasion in which the opposing viewpoints are discussed, it is done so in such a degrading way that it clearly mocks all other candidates. The common saying of being “either with us or against us” is one of the kinder ways to summarize the …show more content…
Roberts-Miller states that this is a result of the polarization with in demagoguery and that the solutions can be given the same wash treatment as the in and out groups. Trump frames himself as the all in one solution for the people’s problems similarly to products sold on infomercials. Problems with illegal immigration? Trump has a wall for that. Afraid of terrorist threats? Trump will strengthen the military to defend the nation. The death of the American Dream causing economic struggle for many middle class Americas? Donald Trump will bring back the American Dream. And in a motivational speech where the demagogue’s audience wants to know that someone has a solution for their problems, the simplified answers given are all good. However the answers given show few of the finer points that have the potential to affect the people in both positive and negative ways. One question asked by many of those skeptical to the solutions posed by Trump is about the costs. Who will pay for Trump’s plan? He is aware of the national deficit so using money from the government is not an option; will other nations pay to have a defense built against them- likely not. This leaves questions from the people unanswered by the demagogue but John Oliver the host of “Last Week Tonight” took a look into how much the wall would cost and how effective it will be. The rough estimate of what the