In the time of The Civil Rights Movement, Rosa Parks stood her ground of not giving her seat up to a white man. This situation led to the peaceful protest on Boycotting Buses in Montgomery, Alabama. Which contributed towards ending segregation in the U.S. The Boycott is considered peaceful because it main purpose solely to use the first amendment. Every one has the right to protest according to the Bill of Rights. The Boycott ended when bus segregation was seen unconstitutional in 1956. Thus proving that this peaceful protest had enough of an impact that it eventually changed for the better.
Another example of civil disobedience is the Navy-Culebra protest. The U.S. Navy used the island of Culebra as naval base. But, in order for them to use the land they had to …show more content…
The patriots were angry because they thought they didn’t have a voice in Parliament and they thought the laws and taxes were unfair. Colonists believed Parliament did not have the right to tax them because the American colonies were not represented in Parliament.They hoped that this action would make the British repeal the tea tax. The damage the Sons of Liberty caused by destroying 340 chests of tea, in today’s money, was worth more than $1,700,000 dollars.The British responded by closing Boston harbor. They did not repeal the tea tax. They also passed the Intolerable Acts. The Boston Tea Party also stirred up a rebellion in the colonies.This was the start of the Revolutionary War. In this situation people protested a tea tax by eliminating the problem in the situation. Even though it only worsened the tax it still had an impact by showing people you can't get around