Miss Evers’ Boys is a movie set in 1932 Macon County, Alabama, when federal government began a medical study called The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Blacks with Syphilis. The aim of the study was to determine if African-American men reacted differently to whites to the overall effects of Syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection. 412 rural black men carrying the disease were selected for the study, being told that they would get free long-term treatments when really they were only given placebos and liniments. Despite the validation of penicillin as an effective cure for Syphilis in 1940, the study continued for 40 years until a Senate investigation initiated.…
A Review of Sick From Freedom Jim Downs, notable historian who researches the civil war and reconstruction’s effect on slaves is the author of the fascinating book Sick From Freedom. The Civil War is infamous for how disease claimed lives of more soldiers than military combat. In his book Downs exemplifies that disease and sickness actually had a more devastating effect on emancipated slaves than on soldiers. Downs encourages readers to look beyond military casualties and consider the public health crisis that faced emancipated slaves in the years following the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Estimates show that at least a fourth of the four million former slaves got sick or died between 1863 and 1870, including at least 60,000 who perished in a smallpox epidemic that began in Washington and Spread throughout the south.…
Clark argued that blacks were more wanton than whites, and that was why they had more overall disease. “This state of affairs is due to the paucity of doctors, rather low intelligence of the Negro population in this section, depressed economic conditions, and the very common promiscuous sex relations of this population group which not only contribute to the spread of syphilis but also contribute to the prevailing indifference with regard to treatment. “ (Brandt, 1978, p. 23) In another letter Clark had written to Dr. J. E. Moore, he said “negroes are very ignorant and easily influenced by things that would be of minor significance in a more intelligent group. ”(Brandt, 1978, p. 24)…
The video, The Deadly Deception, is a well-produced documentary on unethical behavior in government sponsored scientific research. The piece chronicles the forty year study of untreated syphilis in approximately 400 African-American men from Macon County, Alabama which began in 1932. The utilization of interviews with two survivors of the experiment, Herman Shaw and Charles Pollard, and experts in the fields of research, medicine, and civil rights, along with original film taken during the experiment, results in a believable and startling portrayal of the misuse of human subjects in scientific research. The documentary creatively infuses a play about the now infamous experiment entitled "Miss Evers' Boys" which helps the viewer to understand the lengths to which the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) went to keep…
In his book, Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, James H. Jones argues in chapter 14 “AIDS: Is It Genocide?” that “No scientific experiment inflicted more damage on the collective psyche of black Americans than the Tuskegee Study.” Jones goes on to explain how when the forty year experiment was revealed and later an AIDS epidemic occurred the black community in America were suspicious of AIDS being a repeat of the past. In this chapter Jones goes on to explain how AIDS was disproportionately affecting the black community and how that led some to believe that AIDS may have been created as a way to eradicate blacks in America. What stood out to me the most was when Jones discusses an article in the American Journal of Public Health…
While the goal of social workers is to protect and enhance the well being of the vulnerable and oppressed, the Belmont report also recognizes working with that population as well. Racial minorities, economically disadvantaged, the very sick, and the institutionalized are part of the vulnerable population in which some may see as easy to manipulate (HHS, 2016). African Americans in the Tuskegee trials were the population of focus during the syphilis research (HHS, 2016). Studies show that the African American community has distrust in doing research when it comes to health because of the Tuskegee research study done in the past (Rogers and Lange, 2013). As social workers it is our job to recognize the harm that has happened in certain populations and to find a way to recover trust in our professional community.…
The Tuskegee Experiment was a horrific event in which victimized untreated Black men with syphilis to see the effects. These men were unknowingly being deprived of treatment being a part of this experiment and were deceived to believe they were receiving treatment from the government. In the playwright Miss Evers’ Boys, the reader/watcher is taken on a journey to understand how the experiment came to be. More importantly its focuses on the relationship between the men of the Tuskegee Experiment and a nurse Miss Evers’. Through the provided evidence within the play Miss Evers’ Boys, it can be proven that given the circumstances, Miss Evers’ made the best possible ethical decisions she could as a black female nurse by fighting for the men and caring for them while maintaining the responsibilities of her job description.…
Allan M. Brandt wrote this article, “Racism and Research: The Case Study of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study” to assert the Tuskegee Study in a historical context and he wanted to relate it to the ethical implications that were seen in the twentieth century. The syphilis study that is being talked about was a study that included 400 syphilitic black men. There was also another 200 black men that were unaffected and served as a control. The issue that Brandt reveals is that when penicillin, the drug that treat syphilis, was revealed in the early 1950s, these 400 black men were not given the treatment. This study went from 1932 to 1972.…
While participants remained unaware and untreated for syphilis doctors found ways to allured the black community to the program using by an appealing slogan, that read "Last chance for Special Free Treatment.” Tuskegee University claims that slogan promised patients with free therapeutic care, transportation to and from health center, and free burial site for families, to the poor black citizen of Tuskegee this was the best offer anyone could receive. With the promises of being treated for bad blood scientist continued to experiment, performing risky spinal tap and injecting mercury into patients. On the other hand, when penicillin had become the new drug to treat syphilis doctors withheld injections and failed to inform their…
The academic journal article up for reading and discussion for this week is titled Blood Terrain: Freedwomen, Sexuality, and Violence During Reconstruction by Catherine Clinton. In this brief twenty page work, Clinton narrows her focus on the history of the Reconstruction era to the undersold experience of black freedwomen who underwent monstrous and routine sexual abuse and rape by white southerners. My initial impression of this article is that it succinctly captures the rotten history of America by explicitly exploring the experiences of sexual violence against black women during reconstruction, a history that implicitly the American public knows, or at least feels. The purpose of Clinton’s article is to convey and expose how white supremacism or racism basis has…
The film, Miss Evers’ Boys was about an inhumane study of African American men suffering from syphilis. The film evolved around Eunice Evers, a nurse in a local Tuskegee hospital and her statement about the “Tuskegee study”. Dr. Brodus, the head doctor of the local Tuskegee hospital along with Nurse Evers were given fund to treat men with syphilis or what they called “bad blood” (Benedetti, Fishburne, Kavanagh, Konwiser & Sargent, 1997). These men were not very educated, and their health literacy were very low, so Nurse Evers had to use words that they could understand. After a while, the fund for the treatment diminished and they were not able to continue treating these men.…
The Tuskegee Syphilis Study was originally conceived in 1929 by the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) as a method of determining the predominance of syphilis within black communities across America and of identifying a mass treatment.…
The researchers attributed African American’s low vaccination rates on historical distrust. Events such as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, in which the African American…
Kant believes that human life should be respected and regarded as both a means and an end. The Formula of the End in Itself states to treat “humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of another, never simply as a means but always at the same time as an end”. When a person is involved in a scheme of action to which they could not in principle consent to, they have been used as a mere means. When there is no consent, the person has been used as a mere means.…
Reference Purpose Study design Sample size & characteristics Key results Major conclusions Validity Herbst de Cortina et al. To determine sensitivity and specificity of dual HIV/Syphilis INSTI Multiplex downward flow immunoassay POC test Cohort study 200 convenience high risk serum samples, 14 of which were already diagnosed with primary Syphilis by PCR. Peruvian men who have sex with men and transgender women. HIV: sens. 100%…