If I had to pick one technology that affects most of our daily lives it would have to be cell phones. We are now able to stay in touch with everyone no matter where we are. Everyone I know has a cell phone which they check constantly for social media updates or text messages. There are a lot of positive and negative side effects to cell phones which include: staying connected,safety and security and monetary issues. Society today use cell phones to stay connected with family, friends, and co-workers . When a kid goes off to college, parents are now able to keep in touch by calling, texting,skype, or facetime at any time during the day.In the past long distance telephone calls were expensive and children away at college would only talk with their parents once a week at a pre arranged time.. With cell phones you are always connected with the people around you. A negative aspect regarding cell phone usage is people being able to actually communicate in person because everyone is always so glued to their phone. The reason we have phones is to stay connected but for some people its hard to put the phone away and actually communicate. Family’s lose touch with their kids because they are constantly on their phones. Ehow states that always checking your email, playing games, and texting can detract people away from other fun and engaging world activities. Society gets so caught up with technology that they forget to interact with people. In addition, there are positive and negative effects that cell phone technology has on our daily safety and security. …show more content…
Cell phones have become a big issue with driving. They distract people from the road and cause wrecks. People do not understand how dangerous texting and driving really is.According to the National Safety Council, 1,600,000 accidents occur every year due to texting and driving. A staggering statistic reported by the Institute for Highway Safety Fatality Facts is that 11 teens die everyday due to texting and driving.No matter how old you are texting and driving is always a bad thing to do even if you are just reading the message you still could be in a wreck. Tennessee state law bans all cell phone use while driving and many other states. It has become a worldwide problem that keeps getting worse. On a positive note, having a cell phone in your car can save lives. With GPS technology on most phones, when lost in a shady part of town, you can now find your way back to safety. Also, having the ability to call 911 at any time or place can greatly affect our safety or the safety of those around us. If a crime is being committed or if a wreck has occurred,it can be reported immediately so help can arrive in time to save a life. Before cell phone technology a person would have to walk to the nearest house to use a phone which is extremely dangerous for all involved. Another positive attribute is that most cell phones come equipped with a camera so you can take pictures when involved in an accident or video a crime being committed. Moreover, money is always an issue when dealing with technology. The cost of a new Iphone is around six hundred dollars and every one wants the latest