Although Oedipus at Colonus was the second play in the Oedipus trilogy, Sophocles wrote this play last. Oedipus Rex was written in 430 B.C. eleven years after Antigone, Oedipus at Colonus was written 22 years after Oedipus Rex near the end of Sophocles’ life (Sparknotes). As Sophocles aged his plays became less about stubbornness. Antigone was a tragedy of two unrelenting wills, Oedipus Rex was about a man’s conflict with fate and his own stubbornness, Oedipus at Colonus had very little conflict involving stubbornness. it is difficult to imagine one’s downfall would come from stubbornness in the real world so to stubbornness the downfall of the main character is unrealistic. The chorus, instead of being solely a commentator was also more realistic because they were more like other characters. In Oedipus at Colonus, Sophocles made characters more realistic.
In the first and second play the chorus is used as a commentator who does not influence the actions of the play. In the beginning of Oedipus at Colonus the chorus has an actual purpose; they look to find Oedipus and Antigone who are trespassing on holy land. They also contribute to the play by singing to …show more content…
While looking for the trespasser, Oedipus and Antigone, they shorten their speech pattern and use commanding language and show emotion. On page 37 in the book Cliff Notes: the Oedipus Trilogy Charles and Regina Higgins hypothesized that the shortening of their speech pattern indicated that they were worried, and confused when trying to find Oedipus and Antigone. However, I think that the Chorus was more angered than anxious because of their word choice. In the version of Oedipus at Colonus translated by F. Storr at the end of their first Strophe before they find him they refer Oedipus as a “wretch profane”. This indicates that they were angry at whoever they were looking