The two protagonist, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy are introduced and initially do not like each other due to a few misunderstandings. Throughout the movie they realize that there are more to what they thought of each other and end up marrying. Additionally, they go against the grain of what society would think of the time which is that they had a odd marriage that was not related for the purpose of inheriting wealth. This is important as it shows that there is a deeper understanding of gender roles by the director of this movie and also this time
The two protagonist, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy are introduced and initially do not like each other due to a few misunderstandings. Throughout the movie they realize that there are more to what they thought of each other and end up marrying. Additionally, they go against the grain of what society would think of the time which is that they had a odd marriage that was not related for the purpose of inheriting wealth. This is important as it shows that there is a deeper understanding of gender roles by the director of this movie and also this time