3.The “American System” was created by Henry Clay and it was used to try and improve America's economic development and formation. J,Q, Adams supported Henry Clay, just as Clay had supported Adams during the election of 1824 which led to the Corrupt Bargain where Jackson tried to attack Adams by convincing the public of Adams and Clay’s wrongdoing. The result was Adams and his men accusing JAckson and his wife. The outcome was a pull for Jackson and his way of government in the next election. 4. 5.When Jackson made the indian removal treaty he had problems to deal with. …show more content…
Some of these problems were a fear of causing unneeded violence and disruption in a community of people, the indians, who had not created a whole lot of problems for us other than being on the land we wanted. Jackson would also have to relocate the indians, which was going to take time and money and probably cost a lot of lives. Jackson continued with his plan to move the indians even though it would cause a lot of conflict between the already pissed off Indians and Americans. He also continued with the removal knowing that some lives of the indians were going to be lost. The outcome was a death of 25% of the 16,000 moved. 6. 7.Farmers from the south were usually rich and white. The tariff seemed to put the northerners above them which made them unhappy, because they still had slaves and more wealth. This, in the minds of the southerners made them superior to the orth. When the south didn't get their way they decided to go against congress and not support them. This caused protest with Calhoun who was leading against the bill and eventually the south decided that a law made by congress did not have to be followed by the state governments. 8. 9.Van Buren wanted to help during the Depression of 183, his attempts to help did not do much but he did try to make things better for the Americans in this time. The Depression was initially caused by Jackson creating a new type of payment process called specie circular. While this process made prices lower it also lowered to amount of land for sale because people wanted more money for their land not gold or silver which was specie circular. Van Buren’s attempt to help was through a system of government