The Judgement Of Thamus Analysis

Improved Essays
Technology is perpetually improving in today’s world, partly because of the demand for the latest and greatest gadget, and also because of the rise of social media. Whether it is Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, or the dozen other social media apps that can be downloaded instantaneously to your smart phone, there is a constant need to be posting or reading a post. In this infostream age it is possible to be updated on current events within minutes of them taking place, and if you aren’t up to date on them moments after they happen, well then, you’re simply not keeping up with everybody else. In his essay, “The Judgement of Thamus”, Neil Postman argues that technology is both a burden and a blessing. Jennifer Bleyer also discusses the positive …show more content…
Jurgenson states that “We have come to understand more and more of our lives through the logic of digital connection.” (197). This refers to the sense of reliance that people are feeling towards their laptops, tablets, and smart phones. Simple tasks such as driving to a new location, waking up at a certain time, and planning your week do not require the use of technology, but the thought of doing these things without technology seems much more challenging than they actually are. As with anything it takes time to fully integrate a new technology into our everyday life. Bleyer discusses that “…prolonged periods of computer-mediated conversation can actually be a detriment to new relationships since there’s always such a wide gulf between how we present ourselves online and who we are in person.” (176), but as more people use dating apps they start to realize what works, and they minimize the amount of online interaction jumping straight into the face-to-face. People come to this realization after awkward, failed attempts at in-person interaction after long periods of interactions online. This shows evolution in terms of technology and supports Postman’s claim that “Every technology is both a burden and a blessing; not either-or, but this-and-that.” (152). To those who solely rely on technology it can become a burden, but to those that know how to incorporate it …show more content…
This statement disagrees with what Postman believes, that new technology replaces older ways of doing things. There is no longer a want to read a printed book when it is available to be downloaded to your phone. So, in contrast, Jurgenson brings up the idea that there is a time in place for both in the everyday life. Yes, the new technology that we have access to will take predominance in our life, but that does not mean that the ways of the past are forgotten. If anything, it adds to the value of the old ways and allows people to really cherish their time spent while they are logged out. In fact, Jurgenson argues that the offline has actually has a “prominence online” (196). This suggests that the fact that books and newspapers can still be read online through apps, or on tablets that provide those specific services is actually an improvement. This brings up the viewpoint that the past isn’t being erased, but instead, it is being rewritten in a more efficient way. Efficient at what costs though? If everybody becomes so dependent on technology, imagine the chaos when that technology suddenly

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