Everyone in this world has their own views and perspectives towards life that is unique to their very nature. The perception held by every individual is based on their own interpretation of various factors and mainly two factors that are highly interactive namely: the individual’s subjective interpretations concerning the surrounding environment and the environment itself (that is external to the individuals themselves). The perceptions of the individual can affect his or her health either emotionally, physically or mentally. For example, coming across a snake in the house could lead to anxiety and panic to one individual, while to another person it could be no issue at all. An individual’s interpretations towards the environment …show more content…
This personality concept is applied widely to justify the reasons behind why people have different behaviors when faced with the same conditions and scenarios and also in explaining the consistency developed by a person when they react to the situations. The interaction of environmental and biological factors is what forms a person’s personality (Gould, Dieffenbach & Moffett, 2002). Various personality theorists have different ways they interpret and emphasize the personality aspects and also the personality’s development. Looking back at the history of one’s life, different approaches can be used to emphasize the trend of one’s life so to …show more content…
This is why different individuals react differently when exposed to certain situations. Our social locations that surround every person assist in informing him or her about the world and its environments and some of the social locations include factors like sexual orientation, race, culture, religion, gender or status. Some of the major sources of inaccuracy and bias when applying life’s reflection result from memory and cognition factors (Kim & Duda, 2003). Memory and cognitive biases cause a deficiency in the way a person thinks as a result of a memory error that causes a judgment flaw such as from social attribution or miscalculations. Some of the cognitive biases that affect one’s judgment during self-reflection include: the self-perception biases where a person’s ability to interpret information is affected by the person’s dispositions or distortions concerning how they view themselves like overconfidence, restraint, blind spot or illusion of control biases, the perception biases which are affected by an individual’s opinion, conclusions or views in different situations which explain the concept of argument. Examples of this include attentional, choice-supportive, hindsight or selective biases, the decision and logic biases are as a result of the individual’s