How much has media expressions and celebrity person’s impacted body image? Tremendously! The media only shares a glimpse of the celebrity lifestyle through popular franchise advertisements. Andersen publishes an online magazine article that discusses the backlash of the public about Victoria Secret falsely portraying the "perfect body" (Andersen). Victoria Secret modeled ten girls each in the company 's newest styles of lingerie. Ultimately, the advertisement 's purpose was to simply feature their collection of lingerie sets that were thought to be the "perfect body" fit for customers. However, their advertisement was biased because their models were all of the same body shape; petite, small bust and hips, with abs. Not all viewers were satisfied. Viewers that felt offended, retaliated with revolt against their campaign slogan. The revolt was made press known as the "#IamPerfect" backlash. Victoria Secrets ' slogan now reads "A Body for Everybody" with models of all shapes and sizes. Celebrities are seen by the world through news presses or reality TV shows. While some only watch celebrity news and reality TV shows for their fashion trends, hair styles, and hot bodies, not all celebrities want to be included in the showcase of being …show more content…
The “perfect body” is mostly effected by the teenage community, with affects to their self-esteem and confidence. The television realm broadcasts reality TV shows, movies, and advertisements that influences the minds of viewers into aspiring to look a particular way. In my opinion, I believe all individuals are unique in their own way. No two people are to be destined to look exactly alike. This includes identical twins; there is always one distinct feature to justify a difference. I think people should lessen the ideal of the “perfect body” and expand the creation of individual