This may in fact be true, however the ramps that may already be in place are in the back of a building or cause an unnecessary amount of walking to reach a ramp. The point of a wheelchair ramp is to make accessibility to the building easier for a person in a wheelchair, scooter, or any other sort of transportation. Some people might also argue that there isn’t enough wheelchair bound people in their area. Even if this is the case a ramp in the front of the building will make an exceptional difference to those few people. Another thing to consider is the elderly or people who can walk but have difficulty walking up stairs. It may be easier for them to walk up a ramp, although they may be capable of walking up stairs with a rail, it can still cause pain and an inconvenience. This also broadens the population a ramp would appeal to. Some might also contribute that handicapped bathrooms aren’t necessary. This might be because in the amount of space one handicapped stall takes up could be two or three normal stalls, which would speed up lines at the bathroom. However, it can be extremely difficult for a non-disabled person to maneuver around a normal stall, imagine being wheel chair bound in a stall of that size. In conclusion, people with disabilities and those in wheelchairs are treated unfairly by not being given the same accessibility as people not wheel
This may in fact be true, however the ramps that may already be in place are in the back of a building or cause an unnecessary amount of walking to reach a ramp. The point of a wheelchair ramp is to make accessibility to the building easier for a person in a wheelchair, scooter, or any other sort of transportation. Some people might also argue that there isn’t enough wheelchair bound people in their area. Even if this is the case a ramp in the front of the building will make an exceptional difference to those few people. Another thing to consider is the elderly or people who can walk but have difficulty walking up stairs. It may be easier for them to walk up a ramp, although they may be capable of walking up stairs with a rail, it can still cause pain and an inconvenience. This also broadens the population a ramp would appeal to. Some might also contribute that handicapped bathrooms aren’t necessary. This might be because in the amount of space one handicapped stall takes up could be two or three normal stalls, which would speed up lines at the bathroom. However, it can be extremely difficult for a non-disabled person to maneuver around a normal stall, imagine being wheel chair bound in a stall of that size. In conclusion, people with disabilities and those in wheelchairs are treated unfairly by not being given the same accessibility as people not wheel