The Importance Of Tulane

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When I originally started the college admissions process, I found myself fixated on numbers. Average SAT score, average GPA, acceptance rate etc.. I was just checking things off, and while it is important to Tulane checks off all my boxes. It is a wonderful school, with great academics, strong programs in my intended majors and situated in a great area. But I could say that about many other schools, and countless others have said that about many other schools. But Tulane stands out to me in many ways that those countless other schools don’t,

One of the things about Tulane that stands out to me is the passion for community service that is emphasized. In the countless videos I have watched, Tulane students are always saying that some of the most amazing experiences that they have had are through giving back to the New Orleans community. This year, my city, Houston, was hit by a devastating hurricane. Harvey ravaged homes, families, livelihoods and it seemed like the damage would be everlasting. But in the weeks that followed, an outpouring of support and kindness brought our city together in an amazing way. I was lucky enough to be able to do a little volunteering at a local community center and to see the sheer resilience of people, Houstonians specifically, when faced with a
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The music, the food, the culture, everything about New Orleans is completely unique and mesmerizing. One of the things that drew me to Tulane is the mere fact that it is situated in such an amazing city. Tulane and New Orleans are irrevocably intertwined and that makes an already amazing school even more intriguing. One of the defining characteristics of New Orleans is the diversity and multiculturalism. The city offers so many opportunities for enrichment beyond the classroom. At Tulane, I don't have to choose between academics and location. Instead, I am offered world-class academics in an equally impressive

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