Technoference in the article is studied and measured, by conducting a non-bias study. 143 married/cohabitating women were selected to participate in the study. These participating women took a questioner; the results from the questioners help to determine how, frequency with technoference may cause both negative and positive affects in a romantic relationship.
Technoference is known to have pros and cons with interpersonal intimate and romantic relationships. Does technology have positive effects on a relationship? Yes, technology has been known to assist in families staying connected, for example the telephone allows us to communicate with relatives across the world. Technoference also allows the idea of a long distant relationship to blossom into a reality. Technoference allows couples to stay connected regardless of distance, and availability. Telephone conversations, text messaging, video chat, and social sites are all examples of ways to keep a long distant relationship connected. These same examples are also ways to cause conflict within the relationship. I support the finding with the subtitle