Yes, there is a small probability that some solvability factors may not be able to push a case forward, but the factors can determine the basis in which the case can be solved. Problems that may arise from the solvability factors is that some questions could have a political impact and endanger the public. When it comes to public safety and political scandal, officers or investigators might be more reluctant to carry on with the investigation. (Dempsey & Forest, 2016) Solvability factors should be used because without them; officer might not be aware if they have a good lead on a case and whether or not a case could take away from the time they could be used in a more organize case with more
Yes, there is a small probability that some solvability factors may not be able to push a case forward, but the factors can determine the basis in which the case can be solved. Problems that may arise from the solvability factors is that some questions could have a political impact and endanger the public. When it comes to public safety and political scandal, officers or investigators might be more reluctant to carry on with the investigation. (Dempsey & Forest, 2016) Solvability factors should be used because without them; officer might not be aware if they have a good lead on a case and whether or not a case could take away from the time they could be used in a more organize case with more