The inequality is often a result of government policies. However, many families often rely too heavily on education as the way to be socially mobile and gain social capital. In Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission, mothers of children born at the start of the 21st century were at a 96% majority that believed their children should enter university in order to achieve social capital and mobility (Milburn et al, 5). Though, the reality of the unequal education system has Henderson and co-authors noting there are over 500 failing schools in the U.K (Henderson et al, 5). With such a high rate of failing schools on a small island nation, one must consider the lasting effects those failing schools have on the youths forced to attend. With so much trust in the British educational system, those mothers’ expectations of their children attending university coupled with a half thousand failing schools will result in a generation that is severely deprived of social capital and …show more content…
Crowley and Hughes note, “There is a need to establish stronger links between the education system and the labor market...Schools sometimes struggle to offer adequate careers advice and work experience” (4). With an ever-increasing labor market and middle class, the need to develop this ‘stronger’ link is ever more pressing and may catalyze less competition for top-marked schools. Less competition for schools will bring schools on a more equal level and end the imbalance the British educational systems copes with