School counselors are accountable the achievement of all students and when some students have disadvantages …show more content…
When working with students with anxiety concerns, failing grades and attendance concerns a Response to Intervention (RTI) plan may be necessary. A RTI aims at helping students and provides support to improve academics and behaviors. (Office of Special Programs, 2008) The RTI may consist of teachers, school social workers, school nurse, school counselor and parents/guardians. The focus of the team is to develop strategies that enable the student such as Maine to improve academically and provide behavioral strategies that will enable the student to learn in a safe school environment. Important questions the school counselor should address “how can we help the student, what are ways we can accomplish the short and long term goals and how might the strategies effect the student both negatively and positively?” As team member, it is important for all team members to provide input. Asking open-ended questions are important with focusing on the student issues or concerns. The role of the school counselor is to help set clear and obtainable goals. “Consultants working with other adults in school settings need to be aware of legal considerations when advising educational personnel about appropriate actions in specific situations.” (Sorenson, 1993) When interacting with school personal meetings can be formal or informal. Counselors can communicate with teachers through emails and phone calls. If