But what does it mean to be a part of a nationality? What is a person’s personal view on where they reside. The United States is populated by mostly a white population, and their main religion across the United States is Christianity. Why is this, it is because of culture and the demographics on what most of the white population believes in. Since most of the makeup of this country is of a white population that believes in God, then some of its laws and moral teachings were influenced based on this majority of a religion. Since our nation (The United States of America) is a much diverse country with many cultures and peoples within it, religious laws at the federal and state level are not appropriate under our democracy to force a religion. It all depends on the region and location where a religious town, city, county, and maybe the state itself to make a religious law mandated across its territory. For example, countries like India are mainly Hindu. Therefore many of their moral views are connected under the faith. Politics and public events are largely affected by their
But what does it mean to be a part of a nationality? What is a person’s personal view on where they reside. The United States is populated by mostly a white population, and their main religion across the United States is Christianity. Why is this, it is because of culture and the demographics on what most of the white population believes in. Since most of the makeup of this country is of a white population that believes in God, then some of its laws and moral teachings were influenced based on this majority of a religion. Since our nation (The United States of America) is a much diverse country with many cultures and peoples within it, religious laws at the federal and state level are not appropriate under our democracy to force a religion. It all depends on the region and location where a religious town, city, county, and maybe the state itself to make a religious law mandated across its territory. For example, countries like India are mainly Hindu. Therefore many of their moral views are connected under the faith. Politics and public events are largely affected by their