Each of individuals, or prophets as they come to be known, were enlightened by a higher, divine power on what would be considered a religious standard of life through their different religious scriptures. These scriptures come in many forms, the Bible, the Koran, the Tanakh, but these scriptures do not truly depict what the religion is solely focused on. What many atheists or nonreligious people do not understand about the importance of religion, is that it is more than just a religion. Religion as a whole has many strong believers in America, as well as worldwide, because it is also a set of beliefs, that many hold dear through hard times, as well as good times. Religion brings people closer together, gives them guidelines on not only how to be a religious individual, but to be a good citizen in general. Much of what these scriptures illustrate, such as love one another and do not commit adultery, are common aspects of being good citizens and greatly benefit …show more content…
Each religion is important in their its rights, and thus must be respected in its own rights. It must however be understood that American society will forever be advancing scientifically, which in turn means religion will always be critically judged for its unscientific mindset in advancing human growth. This though, does not mean religion must be forgotten, or even stopped. Though the teachings of religion stagnate scientific growth and contradict many scientific theories, it has and always will remain fundamental to American society; reminding all that everyone was created equal, encouraging people to join community organizations to help others and give an insight into humility that science