Reading Response Paper

Improved Essays
2.4 Reading Text

Reading is often determined in straightforward statements for instance as stated by (Urquhart & Weir, 1998: 22) “Reading is the process of receiving and interpreting information encoded in language form via the medium of print”. Meanwhile, according to (Grabe, 2009) the definition of reading leads into the process itself such as reading is an interactive process which means there is an interaction between reader and writer when reader actively construct the writer’s intention in the text.
Nevertheless, (Grabe, 2009) also define reading as a process to learn to make decision about how to react through the text. (Richard & Patricia, 2009) stated that learning to read in either first or second language is not about to strengthen phonemes into words and words into sentence or phrases yet learning to read remains learning to meaningfully understand to take apart in a community. Carter and McCarthy (2006) stated that text is a stretch of language either in speech or writing and text is semantically and pragmatically coherent into real world context
In order to get maximal advantage in reading to learn, learners need to comprise with either extensive and intensive reading. Extensive reading allows learners to read any text chose by themselves for pleasure, while intensive reading is usually done directed and the text was chosen by the teacher. In accordance with Karakteristik Mata Pelajaran SMA/K English competencies for senior high school in Indonesia is focusing on high order thinking of the academic text such as recount text, narrative text, report text, hortatory text, exposition text, spoof text, discussion text, explanation text and review text. Based on (Grabe, 2009) in intensive reading, a reading text is often followed with a variety exercise on vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and discourse. Intensive reading, linkage with direct teaching, because direct teaching could enhance learners’ awareness to concern in a certain word. Related to learning words, learners tend to ask the meaning of words they have not known yet and takes a long time to search for it, thus teachers need to limit the words around 5 to 8 words in a text 2.3 The Role of Vocabulary In Reading Text (kurang) (Astika, 2016) argued that the only one source for developing productive and receptive vocabulary in Indonesia’s school is reading text.
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According to (Stahl, 1990) vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension are both related to each other. According to the National Reading Panel (NRP), (2000), assumed that the ability to read an comprehend the reading text is crucial for learners to learn new language especially when the reading text comes into academic settings. Confirmed by (Chall, 1987) that vocabulary knowledge can help learners to comprehend a reading text, while reading comprehension can administered to vocabulary growth. 2.5 Vocabulary Profiles Vocabulary profile (VP) is an online database developed by Heatly, Nation and Coxhead (2002), this online database is used to analyze the word frequency profiles. This database will categorized the words into four groups those are the first 1000 (K1), the second 2000 (K2), academic word lists (AWL) and off-list words. One of aspect of L2 vocabulary is the ratio of vocabulary items from different vocabulary levels. However, the terms vocabulary profiles (VP) according to (Lauver & Nation, 1995, p.311) pertain to the percentage of words that learners used at different vocabulary frequency levels in their writing or the relative proportion of words from different frequency levels. There are three different level of word frequency, Nation and Heatly (1996) assumed that In English, the first level of vocabulary are estimate as 1000 words; the second one includes the second 1000 words; the third one is not vocabulary that includes in the first 2000 words but often appear in the academic texts. (Astika, 2016) affirmed that vocabulary profiler (VP) could play as eloquent role to help teacher to improve learners’ vocabulary knowledge which totally different from conventional way of teaching vocabulary where teachers tend to teach based on their teaching experience and intuitive knowledge. 2.6 Previous Study Aiming to help this writing more credible some previous research on vocabulary profiling in terms of word frequency and the distribution in the function and content words is added: Research article entitle Profiling Vocabulary of English Textbooks For Indonesian Junior High Schools Using Vocabulary Profilers: A Fast Track

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