Kaufman suggest to “Get three to five resource about the topic” which is basketball in this case (10:35). This is important so you know the right way to do the skills and efficiently. You want to learn just enough about basketball so you can self-correct as you practice the game (10:30). Sit down and actual watch NBA/college games and see how the pros do it. You will be building your basketball IQ. Basketball IQ is a player’s ability to limit mistakes. The more you build your basketball IQ, the game will become easier and one will be able to make the right play at the right time without forcing it. You will start to see and react to things faster. With great basketball IQ you’ll play with poise and understand the tempo. You will be able to take what the game gives you and make the most of each
Kaufman suggest to “Get three to five resource about the topic” which is basketball in this case (10:35). This is important so you know the right way to do the skills and efficiently. You want to learn just enough about basketball so you can self-correct as you practice the game (10:30). Sit down and actual watch NBA/college games and see how the pros do it. You will be building your basketball IQ. Basketball IQ is a player’s ability to limit mistakes. The more you build your basketball IQ, the game will become easier and one will be able to make the right play at the right time without forcing it. You will start to see and react to things faster. With great basketball IQ you’ll play with poise and understand the tempo. You will be able to take what the game gives you and make the most of each