He was using vulgar language as Serena tried to work with the customer so, the first thing I did when I talked to Ralph is listen to Ralph stating that his new laptop does not work. Now, maybe he got irritated, because my employee was jumping to conclusions and interrupting Ralph to just fix the problem with her troubleshooting process. I empathize with Ralph and put him at ease and understand his frustration (Pedr, 2011). So Ralph spoke while I listen and made no interruptions until I gather all the information and decide what is best for Ralph, the product might be still under warranty since its new, so the easiest conclusion could’ve been a replacement of a new
He was using vulgar language as Serena tried to work with the customer so, the first thing I did when I talked to Ralph is listen to Ralph stating that his new laptop does not work. Now, maybe he got irritated, because my employee was jumping to conclusions and interrupting Ralph to just fix the problem with her troubleshooting process. I empathize with Ralph and put him at ease and understand his frustration (Pedr, 2011). So Ralph spoke while I listen and made no interruptions until I gather all the information and decide what is best for Ralph, the product might be still under warranty since its new, so the easiest conclusion could’ve been a replacement of a new