“When you build a fence around your house to keep out intruders you don’t leave a big hole in the fence for easy access to the police” ("Billions at stake"). The government is parasitically taking our privacy and always trying to take more from the people justifying that it is all in the name of national security. Mass surveillance is already put in place and now they want to ban encryption. The government 's surveillance system and attempted overreach is unjustified and there is a way to make everyone better off. Part of the concern of privacy is is whether the government should have the ability to collect the personal data of everyone to detect terrorists. A system is already in place called the Mass Warrantless Surveillance Network. MWSN looks for, “atypical internet searches, site visits, email exchanges, and credit card purchases,” of everyone it can. However, the high rate of false positives generated by MWSN means that the system cannot generate actionable intelligence (Cohen). The side effect of MWSN and other related programs is that US tech companies could lose around, “$180 billion by 2016 due to international concerns about intelligence agencies’ spying” (Feldman). The mark on the reputation for these programs …show more content…
Approximately 60% of terrorist cases were initiated by ordinary means. In addition, no more than 1.8% of terrorist cases were initiated by the U.S. Patriot Act (Cohen). It can not be worth all of American’s privacy to spy on everyone to try and stop terrorists, especially when very few terrorist are caught with mass surveillance, and mass surveillance makes too many false positive to be useful. Conventional investigations has provided greater information to find terrorists whereas mass surveillance provides meager and often unsound