Measurement scales are generally used in business research to measure conduct, understanding, and attitudes. There is a correlation between attitudes and conduct. The selection of a measurement scale requires the reflection of several factors such as objectives, response type, amount of scale points, etc. (Cooper & Schindler, 2014). A good example of a measurement scale is Motivation Measure. In this assignment we will be examining the questions asked in Motivation Measure. We will look at the communication approach, types of questions, question content, and question sequence.
The Scale Motivation Measure is a measurement scale that is designed to assess employee motivation and focuses on the construct of work motivation. Motivation Measure is made up of fifteen items that cover the five aspects of employee motivation; external, introjected, identified, integrated, and intrinsic. There are three statements related to each of the five aspects of employee motivation. A five point Likert Scale was used to assess the aspects of employee motivation (Moran, Diefendorff, Kim & Liu, 2012). Communication Approach There was no specific communication approach that was determined for Motivation Measure. Since a five point Likert Scale is used in order to record the participants’ responses, Motivation Measure can use any communication approach. The questions could be asked verbally in a personal interview or via telephone. The survey could be delivered electronically through computer via internet or intranet. The survey could be printed and mailed to participants to complete in a written format as well. In each of these communication approaches the participant has the ability to select their answer ranging from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree” (Moran, Diefendorff, Kim & Liu, 2012). Types of Questions There are three categories that measurement questions are segmented into, administrative questions, classification questions, and target questions. …show more content…
Administrative questions are used for identification and are rarely asked to participants. Classification questions are generally demographic questions asked at the end of the survey. These questions are designed to the answers of the participants to be grouped to study the patterns of particular groups. Target questions are usually grouped within the survey and are designed to investigate (Cooper & Schindler, 2014). The questions asked in Motivation Measure are target questions. The questions are grouped in five sections within the survey (Moran, Diefendorff, Kim & Liu, 2012). Target questions can be considered unstructured or structured. Structured questions are generally closed ended questions and have fixed answers that the participants select from. Unstructured questions are generally opened ended questions that allow the participant freedom and flexibility to answer the question in their desired words (Cooper & Schindler, 2014). Motivation Measure provides the participants with a five point scale in which the answers are predetermined. The participant has a choice to select one of the five answers, ranging from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree” (Moran, Diefendorff, Kim & Liu, 2012). Question Content The questions that were used in Motivation Measure were …show more content…
The first section focuses on external motivation. The questions start with the drivers of motivation that are less personal and then get more personal. The next section is introjected motivation, which looks at the participants’ emotional aspect of motivation. The third section is identified motivation, which examines the value aspect of motivation. The fourth section is integrated motivation, which looks at the internal aspects of motivation. The final section is intrinsic motivation, which examines the satisfaction aspect of motivation (Moran, Diefendorff, Kim & Liu,