Moreover, the mobile phone makes the technological phenomena become more advanced with the unique combinations of features and application make the phone can be used by everyone. Some people want to bring their mobile phone everywhere they want to go. This situation makes the people cannot live without a phone. This is because of the growing technology that everyone wants to have a smartphone and used it. The mobile phone is the best digital devices that provide what everyone need. People can find all the information on their smartphone by using only one click with their hands and there are a lot of more things that they can do with the mobile phone. According to Roberts et al., (2014), it has been found that college students spent almost nine hours daily on their mobile phones. This is one of the issues regarding on mobile dependency and also sleeping behaviour. Furthermore, a mobile phone quickly becomes the most useable technology gadget because every single time people play with their phone even though they are waiting to buy food in the restaurant. They think mobile phone save them from being awkward in front of people and make them not feeling lonely. Next, mobile phone is the fastest way for communication because people only need their hands to click the application and they can easily communicate with other people. Apart from that, people can easily communicate with …show more content…
In other words, enough sleep makes people have a good rest for ready the next day. Other than that, people should know that they need to have a really good sleep in order to not feel tired on next day.
Furthermore, sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout everyone life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help to protect mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. The way you feel while you are awake depends in part on what happens while sleeping. During sleep, the body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain the physical health. Moreover, a sleeping pattern for children and teenagers also helps to support growth body.
Sleep is one of an essential requirement for the human body to function correctly. It plays a very important role in our body ensuring the wellness for the human body both physically and mentally. The importance of sleep is to help everyone in maintaining a good lifestyle and also helps from